For the best stag/hen party we would like to give you some advises:
- Be careful with TAXI drivers. Just notice the numbers on the cars. It should have yellow numbers and some official phone contacts on the car. Also in the inside of the car there should be the price list written just in front of your eyes. (It could be more expensive if you catch the taxi in the street). Don’t forget that TAXI is more active at night trying to drive people to the strip clubs where they get commission and just drive away. Sometimes maybe waiting to drive you to the next one rip off strip club where you will pay for entrance and you will be surprised of poor service and really big prices. Don’t let them ruin your party!
- Try to search for the best activities packages, clubs, transfers, guiding through the internet before the trip. It will be much easier for you to manage the best PRICE and also TIME. Give some time to write an e-mail for some questions to US. We will give you the right information.
- Just high class bars, clubs, restaurants have good entertainment in internet or guide books. Don’t forget that. It is always better to KNOW before you GO.